The Liberal Democrats Diversity department at HQ
Natalie Chindipa is Head of Diversity for the federal party and so we asked her for some information about what her team does. If you face any difficulties related to your ethnicity, want support on engaging ethnic minority members in your local party or region, or want support in your campaigns and candidacy then she is a good person to contact:
"The Diversity Team works to increase and strengthen diversity and inclusion across the Party. Part of this work is supporting candidates from diverse backgrounds including ethnic minorities, women, young people and those who identify as LGBT+. We also work with the Campaign for Gender Balance and the Racial Diversity Campaign to organise mentoring and training for women and Black, Asian and Minority Ethinc applicants.
For more information please visit our Becoming a Candidate website page, available at This includes all the information you'll need on eligibility, candidate support, training, and the application process. You can also email or"