Introduction to the Racial Diversity Campaign - Chair Ade Adeyemo

We asked the Chair of the Racial Diversity Campaign, Ade Adeyemo, for an update on their work to increase the racial diversity of the party's candidates and elected representatives. To get involved with the RDC or get support from them, please click on this link to go to their website.
Chair Ade Adeyemo's update:
"The RDC was launched in early 2019. However, its progress was stalled due to Brexit and the snap general election.
New Party elections were held in February 2020 and a new Executive was elected to run the RDC:
Ade Adeyemo (Chair), Dipa Vaya (Vice Chair) & Josh Babarinde (Vice Chair).
The principal aims of the RDC are:
a) To increase the number of ethnic minority MPs, MSPs, MEPs, AMs, PCCs and elected Mayors.
b) To work alongside ALDC to increase the number of ethnic minority Councillors and Council Leaders.
Initially, the Executive took the conscious decision to keep the RDC "a bit quiet", whilst they set up the organisation. They felt that it was important to have the basic building blocks in place and to have something to offer, before going public.
Since they were elected, the new RDC Executive have been making plans to take the organisation forward and they are currently developing a Strategic Plan for the RDC.
RDC achievements to date:
• The RDC web site is now live at
• We have just completed 'The Big RDC Review' of BAME Candidates - looking into the barriers that BAME Liberal Democrat members, approved candidates and PPCs face on the road to election.
• There will be two BAME-only training sessions at the Autumn LD Conference
So far, quite a lot has been achieved by the Executive. Financial support from LDHQ is the critical next step that will allow the RDC to achieve its stated aims of training and developing BAME candidates within the Party and getting them elected."