Janice Turner
Vice-Chair Process, Strategy - Janice Turner
Janice Turner FRSA has been a party member since the seventies and has served on many committees and working groups during this time. In the eighties she was national chair of the Young Liberals and in the nineties chair of the Association of Liberal Democrat Trades Unionists. A journalist since the early 80s, Janice has been Editor of the trade union journal of the media and entertainment union BECTU since 1989 and since 2000 has been the union's diversity officer.
A lifelong campaigner for race equality, Janice played a substantial role in the preparation of the Lib Dem Task Force Report on Race Equality and drafted the party's policy on race equality adopted at the autumn 2013 Federal conference. She was also the main organiser of the joint SLF/EMLD race conference in 2013.She is a member of the Social Liberal Forum and the National Liberal Club.